
Differentiated by Our Client-Centric Solutions

By Martin Leeks, Head of International Casualty & Medical Malpractice, Everest Insurance International®

Everest Insurance International®’s Head of International Casualty & Medical Malpractice Martin Leeks explains how our client-centric solutions are differentiating us in the market and driving the growth of our international insurance footprint.

After 33 years in this market, I’m excited about the chance to design and create a new insurance business that is fit for today’s market, and most importantly, that places clients at the centre.

We start with the client: learn about their problems and challenges, tailor bespoke solutions that align perfectly to their needs, and identify where they will value support and direction. Having that client-centric approach is key to how we build a business that is successful today and sustainable in the long term.

Being relevant to clients

It’s clear that we are going through a period of increasing social inflation where economic pressures can lead to increased claims volume and stresses within a business. Our clients need solutions and we’re working with them now on how to anticipate and respond to these challenges.

We are also partners to our clients as they navigate cost-cutting paths and redundancy plans. We’re here to help them understand the longer-term and wider implications of those immediate decisions and ensure they are best positioned to withstand any pressures they create.

As ESG issues gain even greater importance, and questions over personal health and well-being become prevalent, clients need their insurers to be expert partners and advisers who can assist with that agenda.

We are also sensitive to the volatility and unpredictability that clients face. We need to help them find solutions that are right for them – with coverage and pricing tailored to their individual exposures. More and more, that means we must go deeper into the underwriting process and show how we are knowledgeable and empathic business partners.

Speed counts

While nobody likes receiving a ‘slow no,’ our clients are telling us that their need for a fast response has never been greater. And that’s good news for us and the business that we’re building because we pride ourselves on Everest’s reputation as a nimble operator who makes decisions and responds to clients quickly. And we are staying true to that heritage, building a business that is lean and flat with a focus on client priorities rather than our structure or processes.

We are starting with a blank slate in many ways, with a great opportunity to bring together all the elements needed to deliver the speed and quality of response that clients need today. And we’re creating an environment that enables and encourages personal initiative and responsibility, never satisfied with the status quo. 

Standing in our clients’ shoes

For their own reasons, many insurers have become reluctant to step outside the norm. And I’m hearing from many businesses that when an opportunity doesn’t have an obvious ‘off-the-shelf’ solution it’s too often taken as a reason not to engage at all.

We don’t see the world that way. And we certainly don’t define ‘solution’ in that way.

Personally, I like the conversations where a client asks, “If you were writing this, what would you do?” Seeing the relationship through this lens immediately puts their issues first and gives us the chance to explore different options as we work towards the solution that is right for them. It allows us to share experiences and ideas, so there’s a feeling of progression (and sometimes education) in that development.

The right kind of growth

We are looking to build a business with the right kind of growth. What do we mean by that? For us that means growth that is client-based and is sustainable – we are building for the future so that we can be with our clients as long-term partners.

And finally, it means growth that is international. We know how important it is to be active in the right markets, to be local where our clients need us, and to continue to grow our footprint to make us a world-class international insurer.

The content of this article is intended for informational purposes only. The views and opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the individual author and do not reflect the views of Everest Re Group, Ltd. (“Everest”), and its affiliated companies. Additional information about Everest, our people, and our products can be found on our website at